I offer a wide range of services from full garden designs, to planting design services. I can also provide a tree and plant supply service. Outlined below are the services I can offer you, if any aren't listed please contact me to discuss further:
The client briefing meeting, held on-site, is very much about getting to know each other and discussing your aspirations for your garden. At this meeting, we will discuss what you are hoping to achieve, my aspirations for your garden, what might be possible and an indication of how long the project may take. From this meeting, a written brief will be drafted detailing your requirements and include a fee proposal. Once approved this brief forms the basis of the design development going forward.
Survey and analysis
Once the brief is agreed a full topographical survey of the garden is essential as this provides the detailed information needed to complete an accurate and effective design solution. Dependent upon the scale and complexity of the project, I may complete the survey however, if the garden is large or levels are complex it is usually cheaper to employ a professional land surveyor, who I can help source for you.
A comprehensive analysis of the site is undertaken to establish in detail not only the physical conditions of the site, including soil pH, drainage etc but also how it sits within the surrounding area, including the cultural, historical and ecological factors which may have a strong bearing on the final design proposal. This is at the heart of the development of the overall concept and design for your outdoor space.
Initial sketch proposals
Having completed a full site survey and analysis I will then meet with you again to present some initial concept proposals which will include mood boards to give you an idea of the proposed look and feel of your garden, sketches and plans of various design routes to be discussed and explored further. I will then go away and produce for you an outline design package incorporating all discussion points made at this meeting.
Outline Design
The outline design package is presented to you during an on-site meeting. This A3 portfolio will include a scaled and rendered Masterplan and detailed explanation of the design concept and mood boards of images. This document illustrates the design intention for your garden but does not provide the detailed information required for a contractor to build the project.
Detailed Design
On approval of the Masterplan a detailed design package can be developed, providing the detailed information a contractor would need to build and cost the project.I have also worked with clients to submit planning proposals and technical drawings to local planning authorities, all successful to date!
Should you wish to invite tenders for the landscaping work to be carried out on your garden then the detailed design package can be provided to potential contractors to produce a project cost estimate. Usually two to three contractors are involved in this process. If you would like help sourcing landscape contractors I can help you with this and manage the process.
Once you have chosen a contractor I can provide a project inspection service on your behalf to ensure the design is built in accordance with the detailed plan, plus ensure the quality of the build, iron out any issues that may arise and revise the design if necessary as the project develops.
I can specify and source all plants for you. I will be on site on delivery of your plants to ensure they are in excellent condition and work with your contractors during setting out to ensure planting plans are followed and the desired planting effect achieved. If you would like me to undertake regular site visits following planting to ensure the plants are progressing as they should this can be arranged.
The first two years are extremely important to the successful establishment of your garden and I can produce a comprehensive maintenance schedule for you to ensure this. If you would like additional help I can assist in the sourcing of maintenance teams to help you with this. I am of course always here to provide any additional help you require after the end of our project with you and always like to revisit all my gardens in the first two years to see how they are progressing.